Rinieri Mechanical Pruning Brush Cutter BRPX for Front End Loader

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Rinieri BRP

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Rinieri compatible Front End Loader model BRP-X200 is more heavy duty than the BRE-X series and is fitted with 4 cutting discs with a diameter of 60cm making a total cutting length of 220cm.  This unit requires 100 l/m (80 l/m for motor and 20l/m for the movements).  2 hydraulic movements (side shift and inclination at 115 degrees).  Requires a tractor weighing 3500kgs.

File Title File Description Type Section
RH-LH.pdf Rinieri RH or LH positioning for machine Specifications Document
Angolo_di_affilatura_disco_Cod.pdf Angle for Sharpening Blade BRPX Diagrams Document
Angolo_di_affilatura_disco_Cod_1.pdf Rinieri 600mm Blade Sharpening Manuals Document
Rinieri_Pruning_Machine_Information_for_Quotation.pdf Rinieri Pruning Machine - Request to Quote Specifications Document