Major Catching Harvest Frame

Avail in 5 or 6m diameter
Diameter (m)

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A PROVEN AND RELIABLE olive harvesting aid in all major
growing areas around Australia.
"Collect your olives without damaging the fruit and keep them off the ground".
See further information in the reviews Compare the Major catching frame to traditional ground harvest nets:

Ground Nets Major Catching frame
  • Fruit falls to ground - risks being stepped on
  • Can be laborious and time consuming to move from tree to tree
  • Holes can allow small fruit to fall through
  • Fruit must be transferred from net to crates
  • Fruit is kept off the ground
  • Can be maneuvored by one person
  • Catches fruit of all sizes
  • The design allows the olives to be drawn to the outside where they are collected in the crate below.(time saving)

EXCLUSIVE TO THE OLIVE CENTRE - Designed & Built in Australia.

         The Catcher Consists of:
  • A frame of light-weight galvanized steel with wheels to allow
    for easy manoeuvrability by one person.
  • The catching net-Hooked to the frame around the outside
    -Is UV resistant (which means longer life)
    -Allows the fruit to breathe.
    -Is gentle on falling fruit.
    -Reduces heat problems which occur when using canvas or similar cloth.

Operating the catcher is easy...
Simply push the catcher under the olive tree and tilt forward so the catcher entrance slides around the main trunk and under the bottom branches (this ensures you are not losing any fruit) .
For best use, the tree shape would have been pruned with the height of the catchers in mind. 
You can reach the olives in the middle of the tree by simply unhooking the mat near you to move closer to the tree.

Available in 5m and 6m models (Diameter of the net)

Recommended for use with pneumatic or electric hand held harvesters.

Make sure you order your catcher today as
manufacturing can take up to 3 - 4 weeks if not in stock.

Click HERE to download assembly instructions for the catching frame

major catcher during assembly The major catcher the major catcher being assembled crate sits under chute Major catcher wheel harvesting with the major catcher

*** To best care for your frame please ensure you keep out of moisture.  Spray with a protective layer to ensure the longevity of the frame if subjecting to high moisture environment. 

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It's done..and massive..i love it.

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