Vipail - Pails for Table Olives

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Vipail Range

The Vipail range is a tough industrial strength range of round pails. These are the pails of choice for manufacturers of a varied range of applications, from processed foods, water-based paints, adhesives, and chemicals to pharmaceutical and agricultural products. Whatever the application the Vipail is sure to suit. A tight fitting lid provides an excellent airtight seal, is liquid tight, drop safe and can withstand a high degree of sideways distortion without breaking its seal with the pail rim.

  • Heavy Gauge metal handles with plastic grips or the option of a plastic handle for Food applications
  • Tamper Evident Lid, resealable and liquid tight
  • The availability of a pour spout lid for liquid applications (15/20L Size)
  • Suitable for hot or cold filling
  • Manufactured under HACCP conditions
  • Off-set printing up to 6 colours for permanent high impact shelf appeal
  • Nest for storage and stack for transport
  • Available in a standard range of colours (both pails and lids)