Belt Elevator (Mod.C/EN 600) with Anti-acid rubber, with closed ring fish-spine, complete with: Stainless steel loading hopper (1500 x 1500), 1.5kW electric motor, Support stand, Carbon Steel Structural Frame, SS Leaf remover 2.2kW 2800 rpm motor.
8 Tips to enhance the longevity of your Belt Elevator
8 Tips to Enhance The Longevity of Your Belt Elevator
Here are 8 tips that I can advise to ensure longevity of your belts (belt elevators)-:
Ensure belt tension is sufficient for drive – but not over tensioned.
Regularly check belt tracking and adjust accordingly.
Regularly check bearings and shafts for wear
Regularly check rollers for build up and clear of all debris
Regularly check underside of belt for build up of debris and clean accordingly
Regularly check overall condition of belt for wear and tear
Belt failures are generally caused by mechanical damage ie. Bearing failure resulting in tracking issues (possibly from over tensioning).
Second common cause is operator damage ie. Un-qualified belt adjustment or abuse.
If you have any questions about your Belts, please Contact Us
Professional belt adjustment services are available.