A list of Processor Services within Australia & New Zealand

Australian Olive Oil & Table Olive Processors

Categorized by state NSW & ACT QLD SA TAS VIC WA

If you would like to list your processing machine, or change your details (that are already listed), please send your details in writing to sales@theolivecentre .com.au


NSW & ACT Olive Processors & Table Olive Producers

Contractor Name Description Email Phone Address
Adina Vineyard Table Olives Processing + 2T/Hr continuous olive oil extraction machine inquiries@adinavineyard.com.au (02)4930 7473 Lovedale, NSW
Ambelona Farm Theo Theologou Olive Oil Small Continuous Processing machine & Olive Harvesting also an?ption (02) 48445269 Windellama
Ambrosia Olive Farm Steve & Avgi Skarmoutsos & Sons Continuous olive oil ambrosiaolives@bigpond.com (02) 4774 1491 Silverdale
Baerami Olives Sharn OLIOMIO continuous olive oil machine (02) 6547 5171 Baerami Creek NSW
Balmoral Operations Pty Ltd ian@hamiltonisland.com.au (02) 9433 3255 Artarmon NSW
Bangalay Olives OLIOMIO olive oil machine continuous flow alandmol@bigpond.com (02) 9955 5476 North Sydney NSW
Barrabinda Malcolm Payne Oliomio Olive Oil Processing machine & Table Olive Processing (02) 6742 4487 Gunnedah

Billmari Olive Press Charlie Continuous Extraction olive oil machine denanteuil@bigpond.com Yass NSW
Cedar Spring Olive Grove pauline.blood@bigpond.com Sunshine NSW
Cootamundra Olives Joe OLIOMIO Olive Oil machine jacamilleri@bigpond.com (02) 6942 2582 Cooramundra NSW
Cudgegong Valley Olives info@cudgegongvalley.com.au (02) 6373 1300 Mudgee NSW
D D & D Dissegna (02) 6963 4275 Griffith NSW
Daylesford Partnership rtbragg@bigpond.com (02) 6365 6160 Cudal NSW
Demiworks Pty Ltd T/A New England Olives Rob rob2352@hotmail.com (02) 67644290 995 Weabonga Rd, Limbri
Ellerslie Continuous Extraction olive oil machine ellerslie@bordernet.com.au (02) 4849 4623 Mount Fairy NSW
Fedra Olive Grove Jeff Konstantinou 1 Tonne/Hr Barigelli High Performance Olive Oil Processing machine jeff@kgroup.com.au (02) 6262 3888 Mitchell ACT
Gibsons Grove gibsonsgrove@activ8.net.au (02) 6853 7247 Forbes NSW
Gwydir Grove Olives Continuous Extraction olive oil machine margi@gwydirgrove.com.au (02) 6752 7411 Moree NSW
Houndsfield Estate christineashcroft@bigpond.com (02) 4930 9057 Lochinvar NSW
Kangaroo Valley Olives OLIOMIO Olive Oil machine 0447 491 245 Kangaroo Valley NSW
Kiewa Estate Olive Grove (02) 4267 3722 Coralbank via Wodonga NSW
Mannin Grove pbrockl@activ8.net.au (02) 6843 4491 Coonabarabran NSW
Maria River Estate dcm@zenucom.com (02) 6566 1714 Port Macquarie NSW
Melilanda Olives OLIOMIO Olive Oil machine - Continuous flow (02) 6793 7800 Terry Hie Hie NSW
Michael's Fine Foods Michael Plutte Bulk Oil only 0419 622 633 Warringah
Minoru Partnership minorue@optusnet.com.au (02) 6364 0276 Canowindra NSW
Montoro Olives Joseph Abignano Continuous Extraction olive oil machine jjaa@bigpond.com 0409 223 992 Hillston
Olio Mio Estate Continuous Extraction olive oil machine oliomio@hunterlink.net.au (02) 4998 7551 Pokolbin NSW
Pukara Estate Steve Goodchild Continuous Olive Oil Extraction Processing Machine steve@pukaraestate.com .au (02) 6547 1055 Muswellbrook NSW
Razorback Olive Grove (02) 4636 6524 Razorback NSW
Red Hill Olive Farm Nick Digiovanni Traditional Oil Press (02) 4294 2446?r (02) 4841 1701 Muarulan
Riverina Grove Louis Marangon Table Olive Production only (02)6964 1855 (02)6962 7988 Griffith
Rosto Grove Continuous Extraction olive oil machine sfhiggs@bigpond.com (02) 9327 5635 Woolhara NSW
Rylstone Olive Press Continuous Extraction olive oil machine jayne@rylstoneolivepress.net.au (02) 6379 1485 Rylstone NSW
Springtops Olive Nest chrisjon.ness@hotmail.com (02) 6764 4282 Limbri NSW

Thunderbolt's Olives Peter Birch Min 5 Tonne per hour olive oil machine thunderboltsolives@bigpond.com 0428 669 157 Moree NSW
Thunderbolts Rock Continuous Extraction olive oil machine peterbirch00@bigpond.com (02) 6754 9481 Moree NSW
Tintilla Vineyard & Olive Grove Continuous Extraction olive oil machine info@tintilla.com.au (02) 6574 7093 Pokolbin NSW
Twin Creek Olives (02) 4930 4953 Abermain NSW
Valle Curate maria-silvio@bigpond.com (02) 6299 6510 Carwoola NSW
Whispering Brook info@whisperingbrook.com (02) 9818 4126 Birchgrove NSW
Wollundry Grove Olives Bruck Spinks & Joo-Yee Lieu 500Kg/Hr Olive oil Processor & Olive Harvesting can also be provided olives@wollundrygrove.com (02) 6924 6494?r?429 201 773 Wagga Wagga
Wymah Organic Olives & Lamb Table Olive Production only tableolives@skymesh.com.au (02) 6020 2061 Wymah via Albury NSW

No local processor? Do you need to process your own olives?

See our range of Oliomio Olive Oil Machines or BarigelliOlive Oil Machines



Contractor Name Description Email Phone Address
Mandala Grove Olives Rod Thompson OLIOMIO olive oil machine 1800 303 322 Goombungee
Proteco Oils Pty Ltd Fraham Helmhold Continuous Extraction olive oil machine (07) 4162 5660 Kingaroy
Coolana Olives Ian & Dot Ray Table Olive Processing only (07) 5426 8393 Minden

Scenic Rim Olives Glynn Kelly OLIOMIO olive oil processing machine (07) 5463 5441 Roadvale

The King's Olives (07) 3288 6050 South Ripley, Qld

Rathlogan Grove (07) 5544 1024 Rathdowney QLD

Can't find a local processor that is certified organic?

See more about Oliomio Olive Oil Machines & Barigelli Olive Oil Machines


SA Processors for Olive Oil Extraction and Table Olives

Contractor Name Description Email Phone Address
Bovalina Olive Oil Group Mary & Carmine Bovalina Continuous Extraction olive oil processing machine mail@bovalinagroup.com (08) 8284 7559 Penfield Gardens SA
Tatiara Olive Processing Plant Tash Girdler up to 180T/day continuous extraction olive oil process tatiaraolives@internode.on.net (08) 82284 7559
0427 571 931
Tucci Bros Olive Oil Joe Tucci Traditional Olive Press (08) 8262 9993 Pooraka
The Australian Olive Company Jim George, Soula George Continuous Extraction olive oil process machine 0428889912or0438004688 Finniss
Prema Bros Fran & Rose Catanzariti Olive Oil Processing Continuous extraction - HACCP certified domenic@olives2000.com.au 0417 830 947 Munno Para Downs SA
Verdale Olive Estate Nick & Anna Kyriacou Olive Production for Table Olives & Olive Oil processing machine (08) 8234 0703 Brooklyn Park
R & J Soaps Ray & Jenny Edge Olive oil soap maker (08) 8842 1109 Clare
John Choate John Choate OLIOMIO olive oil machine continuous flow (08) 8270 3019 Coromandel Valley
Kangaroo Island Olive Oil Co. Daniel Pattingale Olive Oil Processing machine (08) 8559 2284 Kangaroo Island
Bird in Hand Olive Oil Susie Williams Olive Oil machine - Continuous Extraction Process (08) 8383 6605 Loxton
Viva Olives Olive processing & Olive Oil machine satya@vivaolives.com.au (08) 8584 5811 Loxton
Lundberg's Olive Grove Peter Lundberg Olive oil soap making and continuous olive oil machine services (08) 8258 4131?r 0416 151 213 Kadina
Coriole Mark Lloyd Olive Oil Processing machine & Table Olive Processing available (08) 8323 8305 McLaren Vale
Olive Vale Producers Brian & Margaret Pearce Oliomio olive oil processing machine (08) 8323 8721 McLaren Vale
McLaren Vale Olive Groves Stephen Seymour Cold matt traditiona olive press & Olive processing for Table Olives (08) 8323 8792 McLaren Vale
Mt Compass Olive Grove Sam Hristofis Olive oil machine Continuous Extraction (08) 8842 1109 Mt Compass
Rio Vista Estate Augusto & Helen, Mark & Anna Lorenzetti Olive Oil machine Continuous Extraction riovista@iweb.net.au (08) 8389 6169 Lobethal SA
Southern Valley Olive Products Emmanual Giakoumis Olive Oil Machine services & Table Olive processing?vailable North Plympton
Fleurieu Peninsula Olive Press George Konidis Olive Oil Machine services george@fpop.com.au 0418 813 023 Sellicks Hill
Olificio Macolino Tony Macolino Traditional Olive Oil Press 0408 897 827 Two Wells
Primo Estate Winery Joe & Dina Grilli Olive Oil machine (08) 8380 9442 Virginia
Diana Olive Oil Domenic Scarfo Olive Oil - Continuous Extraction process http://www.dianaoliveoil.com.au/ (08) 8557 1037 Willunga
Australian Olive Company kc@karlchehade.com.au (08) 8267 3866 Unley Park SA
Nolans Road Organic dee@nolansroad.com (08) 8762 4288 Naracoorte SA
Oi Oi Olives deanad75@bigpond.com (08) 8389 4348 Mt Torrens SA
Patly Hill Farm info@patlyhillfarm.com.au (08) 8842 3557 Clare SA
Talinga Merchant Co P/L bob@talinga.com.au (08) 8302 9292 Strathalbyn SA
Telford Olives telfordolives1@bigpond.com.au (08) 8651 2625 Peterborough SA
Woodlane Estate woodlane@optusnet.com.au (08) 8297 4141 Plympton SA
Moonlight Estate (08) 8682 3625 Port Lincoln SA

Processor too far away?
See more about Oliomio Olive Oil Machines & BarigelliOlive Oil Machines


TASMANIAN Processors for Olive Oil

Contractor Name Description Email Phone Address
Attilio & Vera Minnucci Traditional Olive Oil Press machine 03 6223 5002 Hobart
The Olive People Bill & Paula Lawson OLIOMIO continuous olive oil machine 03 6257 7571 03 6344 3474 Little Swanport
Ashbolt Farm Anne & Bob Olive Oil Processing info@ashbolt.com.au (03) 6261 2203 New Norfolk TAS
Black Jack Olives Leigh Bilton leighbilton@bigpond.com Eastern Shore TAS
Bruny Island Olives Owen carington2@bigpond.com (03) 6225 1648 Sandy Bay TAS
Cradle Coast Olives info@cradlecoastolives.com.au (03) 6425 3449 Ulverstone TAS
Cragmor Pty Ltd Dawn Bishop dawn.bishop@dhhs.tas.gov.au (03) 6492 1098 Wilmot TAS
Flinders Island Olives Jude Cazaly jcazaly@bigpond.com
Flinders Island TAS

Lentara Olives henning@vision.net.au (03) 6394 3747